RAM Super Store


Welcome to RAM Super Store


RAM Super Store Features

RAM Super Store is a complete E-Commerce solution for selling any product you want.

RAM Super Store has a members section with a profile page, change password page, update profile page, order history page and order details page.

RAM Super Store comes with a complete shopping cart set up with PayPal. All you have to do is add you PayPal email address in the Admin section and you are ready to start making money.

RAM Super Storer comes with a complete Admin and CMS (Content Management System) backend.

For a complete list of Features click here.

For an Admin/CMS tour  click here

Built in SEO

This E-Store is set up with built in SEO so you can be found on all the search engines. It has all the META Tags the search engines require. You can manage the web page Title, the description  and the keywords all from the Admin/CMS section of the website. All the other tags are automatically updated from the information you change in the Admin/CMS section. Order today and start making money now.

Click to order


  • A complete E-Commerce website. It comes with 6 web pages plus product pages
  • Complete Admin/CMS section with everything you need to manage the website.
  • It comes with a complete checkout system setup with PayPal. It has everything you need to start making money right away.
